måndag 23 april 2012

Monday snapshots

När jag kommer hem från jobbet.....

var och en pysslar med sitt
och som ni ser
har inte mannen helt gått hem på pappaledighet

1 kommentar:

  1. Dear Sears, 

    I’m the owner of the web site  www.chabrowepole.pl 
    This website treats about people who has passion - craft, handmade candles, jewellery... but also about beautiful houses and gardens...
    During viewing internet I found your great place you own - I’m wondering if you would like to share your beautiful place full of pictures, flowers and warm athmosfere with other people in www.chabrowepole.pl? It would be  pleasure for me to introduce you:)

    I saw many beautiful ideas on your blog, could we publish some of them? If yes, what would be your expectations?

    Website www.chabrowepole.pl is in the internet, we are also on facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/chabrowe-pole/114419218652062                               

    If you have any question please ask, I answer with pleasure:) 
    Keep your blog always as beautiful as now, it's really warm and inspiring :)

    With kind regards



Jag blir så glad när ni skriver till mig!!!